The 9 Intense Experiences That Will Change Your Life

By Brian Vaszily
Creator of The 9 Intense Experiences

Slow down for a moment… don’t just skim read this… it won’t take long but I CAN assure you it will be so worthwhile. You were referred here for a good reason after all…

In the next five or so minutes you will have more than a few "A HA!" moments that absolutely can change your life starting now.

You see, this "GO GO FASTER FASTER!" mentality virtually everyone is trapped in these days, especially with the economy pressing down on us, is a huge part of the problem.

I call it living "The Hamster Wheel Life" … going faster and faster but feeling like you are getting nowhere.

And to understand it, TAKE THIS LITTLE TEST and see if you answer YES to one or more of these questions:

Do you often feel overwhelmed at work, at home, in life?
Do you sometimes (or often) feel unfulfilled, like you are not living the life you just know you really should be leading?
Do you too often feel stressed-out and anxious, like there are too many directions you "should" be going in and what the HECK are you supposed to do with it all?
Do you ever worry too much?
Do you get frustrated or even angry that you are not achieving the success you know should be yours in any area of life, such as your business or career, your health and weight, your relationships or finances?
If you answered yes to even one of those, don’t ignore them and please don’t you dare feel guilty or "beat yourself up" over feeling that way… as if you are just supposed to throw in the towel and accept those negative states!

I have studied this for many years, as I’ve discussed in many interviews it is my life’s mission and passion and I can assure you those states, my friend, are today’s LEADING cause of unachieved goals and dreams… in your business and career, in your health and weight, in your relationships, DEFINITELY in your finances.

Those awful states are THE reason you are experiencing far less happiness, inner-peace, and success than you intuitively know you should be.

Recognizing that those negative states – those internal blocks – are THE key barrier to the amazing success and happiness that really should be yours (and to a healthy, long life free of cancer, heart disease and other chronic diseases caused by stress and all the rest) IS the first step on anyone’s journey to deep satisfaction with their life.

But with sooooooooo many distractions out there – the mass media, rampant marketing and advertising – most people get dangerously misguided from that point forward.

They either seek someone or something outside of themselves to blame – the economy, their spouse, a political party, chocolate cake and potato chips – OR they seek a "magic pill" of some sort or another to save them.

The funny thing is, THE ANSWER is a whole lot simpler – and more enjoyable, and far less costly in terms of your time, money and energy – than most people imagine. (Humans are mighty good at complicating things, aren’t they?)

To understand just how simple, I need to tell you three secrets that should definitely not be secrets (how they got that way is VERY relevant – and interesting — but a story I will tell you in the next lesson.)


Okay, ready to learn three things that, when you ponder them even briefly with an open mind, truly WILL change the course of your life for the much better?


As noted, I’ve been studying this for years. For 6.5 of those years, I specifically researched, interviewed and worked extensively with remarkably successful people to learn what makes them remarkably successful… what they are doing that everyone else is not.

And WOW what a profound discovery it was!

Now, by "remarkably successful" I mean, in short, that they achieved their biggest goals and dreams, whether that meant making ten million dollars or living a humble life in a cabin in the woods, and they live a life of deep satisfaction, inner-peace and happiness.

What I discovered is that they remain deeply committed to having NEW POSITIVE INTENSE EXPERIENCES while everyone else, caught in the Hamster Wheel Life (go-go-faster-faster-nowhere), does not.

Specifically, I discovered that they focus their time and energy on nine (9) key areas of intense experience that virtually no one else ever does these days.

In short, "positive intense experiences" are defined as: simple, captivating and enjoyable, but also profound and deeply transformative actions that melt right through the negative states like stress, angst and worry and lead to far greater energy, focus, self-awareness, success and happiness.


YOU have already had plenty of these positive intense experiences.

HOWEVER, I can confidently assure you that you are not having nearly enough in your life right now. In fact, I can absolutely assure you that the more anxious, unfulfilled, thwarted, worried, restless, empty, aimless, depressed or unsuccessful you feel in life, the MORE they are lacking from your life. (Next time you’ll learn how various studies have demonstrated this is so.)

You see, in contemporary society, by the time people are in about their mid-20s – and certainly their 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s – they have primarily experienced only two types of "intense experiences."

In childhood, first of all, our lives are chock full of intense experiences. It doesn’t matter if you fondly remember your youth or not… youth is filled with positive intense experiences because so much of what you experience is brand new and revealing.

Nearly everything in youth is a mystery and a wonder with a lesson to teach.

As adults, though, almost all people get caught on that hamster wheel… and unfortunately by far the most common type of intense experience that ever stops adults and makes an impact are the TRAGIC intense experiences.

You know what they are… Confronting a serious disease. Dealing with a close death in the family. Going through divorce or a long-term break-up. Experiencing the collective tragedy known as 9/11. Digging out of a major natural disaster.

In much the same way that a first kiss in youth can stop everything in its tracks and challenge how a child looks at the world – a positive intense experience – a death or divorce stops everything in its tracks and challenges how adults look at the world.

Unfortunately again, though, as time goes by and the "lessons" from such tragedy get more distant, adults stumble right back into "The Hamster Wheel Life." (Recall 9/11, where for a while many people held one another tighter, focused far more on what really matters most… and then gradually faded back to rat-race lives.)

BUT what remarkably successful people know – and that includes YOU – is that it does not have to be that way. Which brings us to the last and most important secret:


This one is short and sweet and as important as important gets: Like the aforementioned remarkably successful people I studied for years, you CAN have positive intense experiences.

And when you discover how simple, captivating and enjoyable they are – and of course how powerfully they cut through all the internal barriers inside you and enable you to achieve success in whatever you desire – you will WANT to and LOVE to seriously escalate the positive intense experiences in your life.

As Plato to Shakespeare to Thoreau to Einstein noted, THEY are the true secret to a profound success and happiness.

I want to conclude this page, this lesson, with a simple but revealing little "positive intense experience" for you to really drive the lesson home…


First of all, no worries. You don’t have to fret about how you are going to make room in an already-busy life for the intense experiences that will help you achieve success and happiness like nothing else can.

Because the intense experiences that remarkably successful people focus on are those that are engaging and enjoyable but that don’t take much time or energy. We’re not talking about giving up your job and family and joining a monastery or living among the pygmies here.

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