Are You Being Influenced Without Your Knowledge?

Source: The Power Of Conversational Hypnosis

It might seem shocking, but every single day people are trying to influence and persuade you without your knowledge.

Some of this is relatively harmless. But a lot of it most certainly is not.

It's not talked about a lot but it's the dark side of hypnosis.

You see,hypnosis is actually a fairly commonplace everyday occurrence.

People go in and out of trances all the time.

Watching TV, reading a book, simply standing in line or in an elevator.

As a result, people (and you) are open to being influenced.

You're being targeted by thousands of messages every single day.

These messages come to you in the form of the media, advertising, news, government, post and even other people's opinion.

Now sometimes this accidental hypnosis is well-intentioned, well-meaning or even totally accidental.

Other times it's very, very purposeful.

For example, take an advertisement.

If you look closely at advertising you'll notice that it's actually structured in a very hypnotic way.

It is designed to persuade and influence you.

It is designed to get you to buy things.

And there are many other examples.

Think about news broadcasts.

Typically, they will focus on really negative experiences.

People dying, wars, financial losses, dangerous economic events, natural disasters and the like.

Thisis done because it captures your attention.

It captivates you.

It makes sure you watch.

Now, if you're like me, I'm sure you want to protect yourself against these unwanted intrusions.

The good news is that when you understand what's happening, it's easy to shrug off these attempts to persuade you.

There's also a positive side to all this.

You can actually turn these techniques to your advantage.

You can turn the tables and influence and persuade people without them being aware of what you're doing.

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