The Dirty Little Secret of Manifestation

By Matt Clarkson
Creator of New Year Breakthrough

I suddenly realized something profound yesterday...

I had just sent the email out giving away 2200 passes to my "New Year Breakthrough" training.

Then it hit me ...

There's a little known manifesting secret that can literally mean the difference between total failure and spectacular success. The interesting thing is that most people never learn it because they think it's unethical!

I mean, when you look at people who manifest great results life...

And I don't just mean financial successes like a Bill Gates or Donald Trump - I also mean great spiritual leaders like Jesus and Gandhi - they all had (or *have* depending on your perspective) one thing in common:

They were able to get across a message that TRANSFORMED and inspired their audience.

They were all masters of a little known and rarely understood manifesting skill. Can you guess what it is? It's not what you might expect it to be! If you said *selling*, you're correct!

"Selling?! What!#? Gaassssp! Are you MAD Sir?"

"That's not very spiritual!" ... Or is it?

To many people, the word "selling" has all sorts of nasty connotations. I understand completely. Our culture is constantly bombarded with non-stop marketing messages. It's natural for us to resist all that noise.

And let's face it - most of the ads we see are not for stuff we actually want or need. The crooked used car sales persons of this world have done us a HUGE disservice by tainting a sacred profession with their shoddy practices.

Here's a new perspective on this ...

Did you know that the word "sell" in Old English actually means "to give" and "to serve"?!

Yes, done right - selling is serving :) And you can only truly serve by giving people what they need.

Who's to say they need what you have to give?

Well, people make their own decisions at the end of the day. As an effective manifestor and communicator, it's YOUR job to inform them of all the facts in a way that's compelling for THEM. No matter what you want to accomplish ...

Selling is serving...

If you want to stop your kids from getting hooked on drugs, you better be a darn good sales person - better than the local drug pusher that's for sure!

If you're in a relationship and want it to last, you better have a vision of how you want things to be and be able to communicate it to your partner in the way that they understand and appreciate :)

Whatever you want to give and be in the world, being good at what you do is often not enough. You need to find a way to communicate your gifts in a compelling and effective way.

Selling is serving...

Anything less than giving people ALL the facts about what you have to share, in a way THEY find compelling, isn't really serving people.

Think about that ...

Selling isn't just about serving people ... it's about communicating effectively in way where everyone wins.

Serving you always,
Matt Clarkson

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