How to Sell Anything: Create Automatic Cravings with the 7 Areas of Human Desire

By Christopher Westra
Author of "I Create Cash"

In truth, people don’t buy products, they buy altered states of emotion. We humans go to great lengths to change our emotional state. From riding on swings and jumping on a trampoline when children, to amusement parks and movies when older, we all love changes in emotional states.

If someone can convince us that we will get a positive emotional state by purchasing their product, we will gladly pull out our credit card and buy!

The Seven Areas of Human Desire

In order to sell a product to cyborgs, you must make contact with their desires. You must convince them that purchasing your “item” will bring them satisfaction of their needs in at least one of the following areas.

These areas are just ideas to help you expand on what people really want in life.

1. Health and Fitness

The Health category is a huge one for most people. We all want to be healthier, and most of us want to be thinner.

People want nutrition, grace, endurance, agility, poise, balance, energy, vitality, exercise, performance, and much more. And, they want all this easily and quickly, without a lot of effort on their part.

Tell the customer how your product will make them feel better, be healthier, and more energetic!

Key – Make sure your product will actually do this! If you have a product that doesn’t deliver true value to people, then get a new product.

2. Relationships

This category includes all your relationships, with your spouse, children, coworkers, neighbors, mentors, etc.

Thousands of products are sold in this area – due to the fantastic demand. Explain exactly how your product will enable the customer to have better relationships in their life.

3. Finances / Employment

Finances and Occupation are tied together for most people. You can present this area in any way you desire. Depending on your product, you might appeal to pleasing and meaningful work, promotions, job successes, or new opportunities.

When you create images of financial abundance, don’t always focus on money. Money (green dollar bills) is not a very detailed image, and it’s not what we really want anyway. What cyborgs really want are the things that money can buy, which leads us to the next category.

4. Material Items

Most people have no trouble imagining what they want in this category. In fact, when daydreaming of what they want, some people limit themselves to only material items.

This is why I’ve included this list here – to encourage you to expand your vision to include anything you really want.

You can appeal to the desire for homes, clothes, food, vehicles, books, and any other objects we need for a full and abundant life.

5. Connection to Universe / Nature / God

A sense of connection is so satisfying and fulfilling. In general, all cyborgs feel empty and seek some spiritual connection.

They seek to fill themselves with food, drugs, sex, and material pleasures, but these never really establish a permanent satisfaction.

This category includes feeling connected to other people, enjoyment of plants and animals, and a meaningful understanding of life. People want to have a deep sense of purpose.

6. Community and Nation

We are social beings and have a natural desire to live in social environments. Very few of us would be happy being a Robinson Crusoe! However, some of the areas we live in, the communities and the cities, are not exactly what we desire.

If you have a product that addresses needs in this area, you can appeal to community events, excellent relationships with neighbors, nations at peace, tolerance and cooperation, and much more!

Cyborgs love to belong, and we join all kinds of groups, clubs, programs, gangs, and churches which promise us a sense of belonging and companionship.

One billboard ad showed a family (with a nice house in the background) enjoying neighbors. The ad said, “Imagine a neighborhood that is much more than a place to live.” This is a good appeal to our desire for community.

7. Personal Growth

What do you desire to be, to have, and to do? Well, all other cyborgs also have desires for personal achievement. People have deep longings for personal growth, knowledge and purpose.

People who have goals, dreams, and a passionate mission in life are the happiest of all people. We cyborgs want resources, books, and other products to help us achieve our mission in life!

What do you want to achieve? Getting in touch with your own true desires will help you to understand other people much better.

In some respects, knowing what people want in the personal growth area guides all the other areas!

More Categories - Sixteen Things Every Cyborg Wants

In my counseling work over many years I’ve discovered that people want basically the same things. These sixteen ideas pretty much fall into the seven categories above. They are simply expanded ideas that I hope will spark your imagination!

You (and all cyborgs) really want to:

Have Financial Abundance - Make Money or Save Money

Live Your Dream - Freedom to do what you want to do when you want to do it.

Be Happy - Have peace of mind, joy.

Save Time - Have more real time for life.

Develop Talent or Skill - Feel competent in the many areas of your life.

Obtain Increased Health - Have more energy, less pain, more vitality.

Have Comfort and Leisure - Avoid overwork and frenzied lifestyle.

Increase Sense of Purpose - Meaningful work, Connection to the Universe

Live in a Clean, Beautiful Environment - Have a neat, ordered living space.

Be Honored and Respected - Gain praise, popularity and admiration.

Gain Control Over Your Life - Be the captain of your ship, guide your life.

Feel Good About Yourself - Know who you really are, confident in abilities.

Develop Your Full Potential - Grow in knowledge and ability.

Enjoy Loving Relationships - Sexual satisfaction, close family and friends.

Create Beauty - Be involved in art, crafts, dance, hobbies, etc.

Have Hope in the Future - Have a full expectation of desirable things to come.

There you go! With all these ideas, you should have no trouble making contact with the desires of every cyborg as you write your ads or make your sales pitches.

When you make contact with these desires, the automatic mechanism becomes active, and they will want to buy!

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