Is There a Science of Faith?

By Alan Tutt
Author of Choose To Believe

For thousands of years, mystics and religious leaders have told us that if we have enough faith, anything is possible. Pop psychology is full of authors expounding the same philosophy - you'll see it when you believe it.

If this is true, then where is the scientific evidence?
And if the evidence exists, then why isn't it obvious?
And why do so many who try to use the Power of Faith fail?

"Choose To Believe" was written to address these issues. Not only does it reveal the scientific evidence regarding the Power of Faith, but it also outlines a step by step action plan to discover what you really believe (and why it may be very different from what you think you believe), and how to change limiting beliefs to support a more empowered life.

Within this book, you will discover for yourself:

What Science has to say about the Power of Faith.
How beliefs become 'real world' experience.
Why Science cannot be fully relied upon.
Why your experiences sometimes contradict your surface beliefs.
How to find and measure your true beliefs.
And most importantly, how to change what you believe and start enjoying life more.

What This Book Will Do For You

Within this book, you will find the answers to many of the world's biggest problems. Poverty, sickness, discord, loneliness, depression, frustration, and 'bad luck' can all become distant memories.

This isn't a book offering mystical mumbo-jumbo, nor should you think of it as a father patting you on the back and saying "Don't worry, it'll all be okay" without a definite plan for making it okay.

Yes, it CAN be "made all better," and you can see your life transformed as if by magic, but you won't have to "step out in faith" without a good, solid reason why.

Our society has recently seen a resurgence of an ancient concept called "The Law of Attraction," which basically says that your consciousness has the power to create change in the world around you without direct physical involvement. To many, this smacks of pseudo-science and fairy tales that fool the innocent and gullible.

Nicola Tesla demonstrated many electrical devices that seemed magical at the time. The communication of sound across miles without wires was thought impossible before he demonstrated the principle of electromagnetic transmission. Modern radios, TV's, and cell phones are based on this one scientific principle. We use the same principle to communicate with satellites in outer space.

Imagine the surprise a primitive caveman might feel upon seeing something as simple as a tape recorder, or a cigarette lighter. These things just don't exist in his world. They aren't possible as far as he knows. You would be just as surprised to see some common item from the 24th century.

Just because we do not now understand the scientific principles behind something does not invalidate the phenomenon. In order to learn, we must be open to the possibility that we do not yet know everything, and that something we think we know may not be true at all.

Many strange things exist in our world. Things that do not fit neatly into the accepted theories of science. If we are to call ourselves intelligent beings, it's imperative to accept the reality of what actually happens and not be swayed into thinking "it's only superstitious nonsense," as many scientists would try to convince you.

At one time, all intelligent people KNEW the world was flat and that the Sun revolved around the Earth. We now believe something different because new information has come to our awareness. Our current scientific understanding of how the universe works could also be proven wrong as more information comes into our awareness.

With so many people throughout history telling us that our beliefs affect the world around us, it's high time we take a good look at what might be supporting these claims and investigate the possibility of developing a technology to put these principles into action.

This book does exactly that.

What You Will Learn From This Book

This revolutionary new book presents some VERY interesting concepts - including some that have NEVER been presented before.

Concepts such as:

why thoughts DO NOT create reality
how quantum irregularities become real magic
why you're not ALWAYS responsible for the things that happen to you
why we sometimes experience things that conflict with our surface beliefs
why some people use affirmations or visualizations and get the opposite of what they focus upon
why the connection between reality and the Power of Belief is not always obvious
the role the Placebo Effect plays in creating the life of your dreams.
Within these pages, you will find scientific evidence supporting the claims that our beliefs affect the world around us. This evidence comes from several fields, such as quantum physics, molecular biology, medical science, and scientific research into the phenomena of faith healing, ESP, and mind over matter.

Although this book has a lot of scientific information, I've taken the time to write in a relaxed style so that anyone who remembers their high-school education can understand it.

The concept of faith is central to most religions. Many books have already been written about what each religion teaches regarding the power of faith, and so this book spends very little time repeating what may be found in other resources.

You will find references to other resources, allowing you to extend your study if you feel the desire to do so. In fact, I have included a special resource section in the back of this book specifically for that purpose.

All this, however, is merely to provide a starting point. After all, what good is knowing about the power of belief if you can't do anything with it?

The majority of this book is devoted to helping you use the power of belief in your own life. You will find an easy way to discover what you believe on multiple levels, and how you can change those beliefs to support a more empowered life.

I have included many different techniques for you to use. Included here are not only the classic methods of belief change such as affirmations, visualization, hypnosis, and prayer, but also techniques from the relatively new fields of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and conversational hypnosis. With these, you can literally change what you believe within minutes.

You will also find in this book useful guidelines to help you get the most from your efforts. These guidelines come from my own experience using the power of belief, as well as the experiences of many others. This way, you'll benefit from the many mistakes I and others have made and thereby have a more enjoyable time yourself.

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