The Purpose, Power and Possibilities of Positive Thinking

Do you control your mind or does your mind control you?
Who is really in charge?

You’ve got the power!
Life is a series of endeavors that are transformed into reality based on how you perceive them; you can perceive life positively or negatively. When you have a positive outlook you can have, do and be whatever you want. When you realize that you have control over your mind and your life you begin to realize the power of positive thinking.

How do you react?
You have the choice to react to any situation positively or negatively. Consider, for example, getting a flat tire. While you cannot prevent the tire from going flat, you do have the power to choose how you will react. Each person will react to the situation differently, depending on how you have trained your mind to perceive events. Pessimists see the misfortune in each event while optimists see opportunity. In the instance of the flat tire, you can choose to be miserable and angry at the tire for going flat, or you can look at the situation as an opportunity to learn how to change a tire or make those important phone calls while you wait for the tow truck. The purpose of positive thinking is to train your mind to see the opportunity and learning experience in each event.

Are you exercising the right muscles?
Many more people exercise their body than consciously and proactively improve their mind, but your mind, like a muscle, must be trained and developed to reach its true potential. Once you have power over your thinking your possibilities are endless. Power over your mind is the key to power over your life; your mind controls your life and when you control your mind, you control your outcomes. A great way to exercise your mind is by following the Truestar Daily Life Improvement Checklist which reinforces positive daily habits in your path to positive thinking and acting.

Some steps toward positive thinking
1. Recognize the things that cause you to think negatively. Write a list of all the negative thoughts you have on a daily basis. Know your negative thoughts and learn to red flag them when they enter your mind. Recognizing that you see things negatively is a big step in making a change in your thoughts.

2. Practice seeing the positive in everything. Start small. For one hour try to see the positive in everything – your coworkers, your hair, your shoes, the teller at the bank, the stop lights for the safety they provide. Be thankful for whatever you come across. Do the same for negative thoughts; for one hour promise to flip any negative thought you have into a positive. Set this as a daily goal in your Goals Program. This small task will reap huge returns.

3. Persist until you achieve positive thinking. Conditioning yourself for positive thinking is not easy, but the reward will be worth the work. Continue to switch your thoughts from negative to positive until the habit of positive thinking is firmly rooted in your subconscious. Compose a positive habit to create a positive destiny. Check out Truestar’s Daily Success Habits for ways to improve your attitude and your life.

SOURCE: Christian Post

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