The Spontaneous Healing of Belief

Interview with Gregg Braden, author of
The Spontaneous Healing of Belief

By Laurie Nadel, Ph.D.
Host of The Sixth Sense Radio Show

Do you believe that heart-based belief—something that you believe and feel to be true from the core of your being—affects how your body heals and the movement of molecules?

Do you believe that you were born with the power to reverse disease, to create peace and abundance, or perhaps even change reality itself?

Gregg Braden does.

A former computer engineer for Cisco systems, Braden spent more than two decades studying forgotten texts in remote monasteries in the high Himalayas; traveling to remote locations to consult with sages about ancient wisdom.

In The Spontaneous Power of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits, Braden argues for the existing of an underlying code that can help you communicate directly with a matrix of energy that some call “The Universe.” Others call this divine matrix “The Creator” or “God.”

Here are highlights from my interview with Gregg Braden. (The complete interview can be heard on “The Sixth Sense” radio show at

Q: Can you tell us a little bit about the background of your new book, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief?

Braden: It contains both ancient wisdom from some of the most remote texts, traditions, and monasteries that we visited throughout the world over the last 20 years, married with the best science of our time. It tells us that:

Number One: There is a field of energy that connects everything in our world—and scientists believe beyond.
Number Two: We are born with the ability to communicate with this field.
Through our heart-based intelligence, we speak the nonverbal language that this field recognizes. It’s from that language that everything from the healing of our bodies to peace between nations, personal relationships, personal abundance, the success of our careers are all linked through this field.
Q: To recap: We are all connected through an energy field or matrix. I sometimes refer to it as The Creator, the Directing Intelligence. We can communicate with this field, this intelligence, through the nonverbal, kinesthetic language of the heart.

Braden: Absolutely! What is new is that within the last few years of the 20th century, Western science was able to validate the fact. It is now a fact. It’s no longer a theory. It’s no longer a metaphor. It is a fact that there is a universal field of what is called “non-conventional energy” that underlies everything that we see in our physical world. It is this invisible field that modern science is struggling to come to terms with. What does it mean in terms of our role in the universe? How do we connect and communicate with this field?

Q: Isn’t it interesting that indigenous people, including shamans all over the world have believed that as a basic assumption for thousands of years.

Braden: This is precisely where we are going. Science is a relatively new language that describes our world. Science or the scientific method are believed to have begun about 300 years ago when Isaac Newton formalized the laws of physics. So science is about a 300-year old study of the universe and the world around us. Many of the spiritual and indigenous traditions that we are studying have been here 4, 5, 6, even 7-thousand years, as in the case of the Hindu Vedas. Science has only arrived at the place where those traditions begin.

For 300 years, scientists have been arguing, and the controversy has been whether or not this field exists. They have just arrived at the place where there is a general agreement that the field is here. Now they are asking: what do we do with it, on the one hand. On the other hand, these ancient traditions began with this understanding.

Q: Can you please explain what are the two false assumptions of science that have set us back, in terms of understanding the invisible language of this invisible field that connects everything?

Braden: I was trained in the hard sciences. My degree, my background, my corporate training is all in the hard sciences. I think science is good. It served us well. The best scientists will openly admit that our science is incomplete. Our science is based largely upon two false assumptions:

The first false assumption is that the space between physical things is empty. That scientists tell us about 96% of the universe is empty. Only about 4% contains what we would call physical matter, or “stuff.”

The second false assumption is that our inner experiences of thought, feeling, emotion, belief have no effect on the world beyond our bodies. Now we know that is absolutely false. The peer-reviewed research papers published in technical journals have documented the fact that we create fields of energy in our bodies, specifically in our hearts, through feeling and belief. Those fields directly influence the world around us.

Q: What does that mean?

Braden: There is less controversy as to whether or not we affect the world. The question is, to what degree? In other words, scientists now acknowledge that when we observe our world, that we cannot simply look at what’s happening; that by observing it, we affect and we influence things that happen in the world.

Q: Have there not been experiments in the laboratory that have shown that the mind of the scientific observer can influence the action or motion of atoms and molecules?

Braden: Precisely. In the laboratory, they are showing that the observers, when they are watching the experiments, they have beliefs and expectations. And those beliefs and expectations become part of what they are watching. They change the behavior of the “stuff” that our world is made of, the same stuff that our bodies are made of.

So the question becomes: How much power do we have? How much ability do we have to influence the healing of our bodies and the events of the physical world?

The answer is: we have got as much as we are willing to accept. This is what we are understanding from studying the ancient traditions in the monasteries in Tibet, Bolivia, and Peru. If we do nothing, we have relatively little power to influence the healing of our bodies, the success of our careers, or the abundance of our relationships.

If we choose to hone this language in our heart, we may assume a tremendous amount of power to influence. Not control. Not manipulate. Not to impose our will but to influence the world around us.

Certainly, life-affirming healings within the human body are very well documented from our ability to speak this language of the heart.

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